Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Have a F.I.T. Over Running!

Thinking about taking up running? Following the F.I.T Forumla can help ensure a successful start.
Frequency: Running three to four days a week is optimal for safely increasing your strength and endurance. Run every other day (one day on and one day off) to allow for appropriate recovery/rest between sessions.

Intensity: While you are building your running base, every workout should be completed at a pace you can sustain. A good rule of thumb is to follow the “talk test.” You may feel a little breathy and may speak in choppy sentences, but you can carry on a conversation with someone. If you cannot, slow down, concentrate on breathing deep from within your belly, and resume a more appropriate pace when ready.

Time: Work toward running for a minimum of 30 minutes. (If needed, start out by walking for a time that feels comfortable. Once you can easily walk for 30 minutes, you can begin mixing in running bouts. As time goes on, make the running bouts longer until you are running for a continuous 30 minutes.)

1 comment:

  1. LIZ!! Congrats on the new blog! I LOVE it and it looks fabu!!!!!! :) You rock!!! welcome to the blog world.
